Sunday, February 26, 2006

sarah, myself, and her sister rachel Posted by Picasa

what can i say i'm sexy and an idiot... Posted by Picasa

josh, matt, and myself at a local drinking establishment Posted by Picasa

egotistically apathetic

it seems to be a trend with me that the only time i get the chance to write in this darn thing is when i am doing absolutely nothing. my apathetic nature has increased an exorbant amount in the past couple of weeks. my body is exhausted from last week in which half of it i was deathly sick and the other half i was interviewing for grad school. speaking of that event i made it through my first and possibly only interview. things went well and if all bodes well i will be living in La Crosse next year as a grad student. i met a lot of really cool people and the program felt comfortable to me. that was what i was worrying about the whole time before, during and after the interview. when i am here at Green Bay i am comfortable and it is home. i am looking for that next home and i am really nervous that i am not going to get a chance to do it so it was a one shot bottom of the ninth type of deal on friday.

the only thing that i felt bad is that i felt like i was being very egotistical when i was talking the whole time. i guess i had to say a lot of the things that i have done in college in order to impress people but i didn't know how to walk the line. i just felt myself talking the whole day and it was like i was aware of every moment and every word i said. i knew that i had to be professional the whole day and i think that took me out of my element in a way because i couldn't put on the usual charm that i hide behind with the crooked smile and half hearted wit. i had to be sterile and charming at the same time and that was difficult for me. but things went well and i hope to here soon and i will post soon thereafter.

here is a list of current obsessions to spice up the mix.....
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: yes it's true i have reached a new level of geekdom...i can't get enough of this show, pure cult tv show crack in it's purest form
Hit the Lights: squeaky clean pop-punky act from's new and not bad
Art Brut: absolutely hilarious and pretentious band from England....their album Bang Bang Rock and Roll is awesome and i just started replaying it again this weekend

otherwise that's all i got for now kids nothing exciting except interview related fall out or hopes and dreams. awesome.


Friday, February 17, 2006

the snow day

so today was an awesome day. we had a snow day and i didn't go anywhere or really do anything. i felt bad because i kind of skipped a little bit of work today but my loyalty to my job is straining because i am getting close to graduation. it is weird what happens to your mind when you are cofined to 4 walls for a day. the song list of the day is composed like this:
The Honorary Title: Snow Day (amazingly perfect song for the entire it is kind of scary)
Joshua Radin: Closer and Everything'll Be Alright (singer/songwriter with a beautiful voice)
Teddy Geiger: For You I Will (Confidence) (he is on the show Love Monkey but i love the song)

today was a lesson in cabin fever and it's effects on my senior mind. i have been examining things again and i still haven't come into any answers. i am really excited about my grad school interview coming up this week. but otherwise i am trying to find the joy in my life right now. i think the snow kind of brought in the weary eyes and minds into my world today. what's weird is that this feeling is true apathy. there have been times when i haven't cared but i have never had true apathy before. i have never cared hardly at all about the consequences and results of my actions at this point in my life. i am just living and moving through each moment. the only bright shining spot is this interview coming up because i guess this is a one shot deal for me. get in or not otherwise i am fucked. but i feel confident enough to knock it outta the park. i had one of those days on wednesday and today was different. it was the opposite. but today was nice to have a snow day to confine my thoughts. bring things back to center and focus my mind no matter how neurotic that can be at times. good things will happen. i just need sun again. i don't know why that is becoming a thought in my head but i think a spring break in Jamaica and graduation coming up will bring new life into the waning years of my college career. bring it on.


Thursday, February 16, 2006

ryan, josh, Pat McCurdy and myself  Posted by Picasa

Sunday, February 12, 2006

how a bar singer can cure depression and cause alcoholism in young adults

no real intention to post a significant amount of material tonight but hey i felt the need to ramble ramble ramble for a while. last week was kind of rough on me and my psyche but we are back on speaking terms and the functional alcholic returned in full form yesterday evening because of none other than Mr. Pat McCurdy. i'll be posting the oh so awesome pick with the Patster in moments following the rant. in all my years of college i have drank massive amounts of alcohol and been in many a bar but i never seem to enjoy them as much as being at a bar when Pat is playing. for those of you who don't know who he is well shame on you. He is a bar singer from the great state of Wisconsin of which i have been a life long member and he plays songs that we can all relate to including "I Wanna Ruin My Life," "Camping with Some Lesbians," and the oh-so-amazingly popular "Sex and Beer." There is something about his shows that are always fun and a blast to partake in. the guys isn't the most talented in the world and he isn't the most creative. but whenever i stumble out of a Pat show i know i experienced something that is unique to my fair state. it's a community and it's a family. a very drunk rowdy family but a one none the less. and because of Pat i think i can hopefully cure this rampant lack of motivation and bad case of senioritis that is creep creep creeping into my cerebrum.

i had a lot of conversations last week about how burned out i was as a student at my young age. my brain and my personality can only take so much responsibility so many semesters in a row. it's not like i don't want to be the age that i am and do what i am doing. i just don't have the cojones to stomach it all right now. i am suffering from my all time unbelievably classic case of overachiever syndrome along with my side case of slackeritis. i made all that up but basically i did way too much in too short of a time but if i didn't do that then i wouldn't be here where i am right now but i don't know if i want to be here. ok that was a long sentence but i had a rhythm or something like that. but because i have to buck up and finish out my last semester i have to tough through and do senseless work for the rest of the semester that i don't care about in the least. you know what makes this hard to stomach right now i can't drink as much as i used to. i used to be able to go three-four days in a row of going out and getting my stuff done still. but now i don't care about the things i am doing and i can't go out as much anymore. so it is a lose lose Catch 22 situation type shit right now.

but i know that things are going to be ok because this feeling is only because i am sick of being in Green Bay at the moment. i get to the point where i need a new step in my life. just like when i need new music, clothes, or hair colors i need change. i like change and now is the time for some change. i have been doing the same things over and over again and i am done with that. here are some of the highlights for me in the coming months.
1. UW-La Crosse grad school interview (awesome)
2. Going to Jamaica for Spring Break (didn't tell mom yet)
3. Graduation
4. Moving to wherever i am going to move for Grad School
stay tuned. peace.