Sunday, October 02, 2005

wow apathy is a real bitch

you know what isn't fun. hangovers. it sucks getting them because it has a double paralyzing effect at least for a guy like me. i have officially gotten senioritis. i think i picked it up from that hooker i spent last wednesday with. oh wait that was clamydia. i get them mixed up. but back to what i was saying i am feeling apathetic as of late. i haven't decided if that is because of my impending graduation, disinterest in said graduation, or the fact that the packers sucks complete balls this year. it is quite a pickle that i am in. this is why hangovers suck. the weekend is really my only time that i have to do the bits and pieces of homework that is thrust upon my unwilling mind and i have to go and fuck that up by drinking myself silly. some people would say this is my fault for 1. not doing my work and 2. being a borderline alcholic. but i say no. why do i say no because i feel that it is everyone's, and in everyone i mean me and me alone, right to have a period of life where all he does it bullshit with friends, drink mass quantities of beer, gamble his little earning away, and debate about the preferences of a backup quarterback to the already aging starter. normally we call this part of life college and if there has been one thing really good at it is college. but i don't want to be in college right now. i mean i want all the benefits but not the work. so basically the short end of the story i don't want to do work but i want to be in school somehow.

changing the train of thought in the middle of the post but you know what i love about wisconsin. bars. shocker isn't it. but i like bars. i guess this makes sense with the whole hangover talk but there is always that debate about what type of guy are you. am i a coffeeshop type of guy. nope. i am a bar guy for many many reasons. one i grew up in wisconsin so i like my liquor and Lewis Black pointed that out really quickly and easily about us Professionals here in good ole' Sconny. last night we were all at our local estabilshment of drinks and spirits and we had a local wisconsin guy bar singer playing away last night. this guy's name was Pat McCurdy whose entire show is about sex and beer. two of my favorite things and i couldn't help myself from thoroughly enjoying the show. of course i had already had many beers by this point in the night. but yeah that's my story.

so back to the original topic. because of my lovely little campfire story we can begin to see 1. why i hate hangovers 2. why i am apathetic and 3. why i love college. if i graduate with a good gpa and get into grad school and eventually get a job then i will feel like i won the lottery because damn i don't know how i have done what i have done in these past 4 years. but then again there are millions of people just like me that have done the same thing. and that makes me feel good and proud. then i have done my job.


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