Saturday, July 16, 2005

professionalism at it's finest

so i was sitting on the crapper trying to sort out the events that have transpired in my life up until this point. ok not the exact point because i know why i was sitting on the crapper but that is long story. what i mean is that i am just trying to see if my decisions that have become life altering have been for the better. granted, everyone goes through this and my brief analysis of my current situation will offer nothing to the general public besides a few random comical drinking stories which were more like "had to be there stories." it is hard to think that these choices i am contemplating are all coming to a head for me and in doing so i understand why many people my age don't do anything with their lives sometimes. it is hard to make a decision about careers, love, and whatnot. i just don't want to do it to be frank. this is why alcohol and causual drug use is so popular amongst kids because the altered reality is better than anything i could ever hope to accomplish if i had to make my after graduation decision right now.

to be frank i think that i have passed all my rites of passage as a young adult in this country. i just turned 21 so that means i can drink. yeah ok not like i didn't do that before i turned 21 because i have been drinking like one since i was 18. but honestly that was seemingly the last right of passage that i was looking forward to in the short term. what now? what is there to interest me about my future ahead and that i should look for the cultural. my friends and i were talking about this very topic a couple of weeks ago and no one had an answer. the student of our group said that college graduation is the next step. but that doesn't matter anymore because grad school is the new college and i don't really need a piece of paper to tell me that i spent 4 years of my live drinking excessive and doing absolutely fucking nothing. i have the bad liver to prove that. the girl of the group said that marriage is next. that's fine and dandy but i am a male. marriage is not the next step. fuck that. someone made the wise crack that when we turn 25 we can rent a car. but i don't know how excited i am about being able to rent a crappy Chevy Probe the next time i want to jet to Las Vegas to look for hookers. so really that doesn't leave us with much.

i could insert tons of blah blah blah cliches here that could inspire the masses or even place myself in some sort of denial in which i create this amazing thing to look forward to. but an optimisitc person would say that. if i was being negative i would just say death and end the conversation there but i am not usually that pessimistic. only on thursdays am i that way. so really i am going to end this essay with that fact. who really fucking knows? and once you figure that i out i would love to hear your thoughts. instead i am going to do what every college student does. study...........the effects of ice on a keg and how much ice is needed to keep a keg cold. now that is something to measure because it effects the masses. goodbye brain cells. hello alcohol induced depression.


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